[On October 3, 2024, this editorial was updated to fix typographical errors introduced by the publisher]
The following is an editorial in support of Umatilla County Commissioner Dan Dorran.
There are two choices for the 2024 Umatilla County Commissioner Position Three race: Alan Heel or Dan Dorran. One published bilingual statements in the Voter’s Pamphlet and looks like a friendly but stoned grandfather with no prior governmental experience – the other has extensive prior experience in governing and over three years experience as a County Commissioner.
Don’t get me wrong; I don’t care if you smoke a little pot. It’s legal in Oregon. I’m pretty sure I looked stoned in my most recent Oregon ID photo.
But let’s look at the November 4, 2024 Umatilla County Voter’s Pamphlet: Heel lists being an HVACR contractor, owner of two businesses, union boilermaker and stationary engineer as prior employment experience. Despite his lack of government experience, he actually says that he “has the experience, the vision and willpower to propel this county forward into the future.” Where did this experience come from, was Heel some sort of union boss?
Heel says that he values education yet he also says that he wants to lower taxes. Which is it? If you value quality public education, you need to pay taxes! He also says that he wants to create a system to maintain county owned vehicles to “increase longevity.”
Very good! That system is called “regular maintenance,” and in order for the county to maintain their vehicles regularly, guess what? They need tax dollars! I’m not advocating for European tax rates, which can be as high as 42.8%, but let’s not go cutting taxes in Umatilla County; the tax rate for the general county is only 2.85%. Suck it up, Buttercup!
As regards the arts: “art is essential to life I work to have more art in the community it makes for a pleasurable moment in a hectic day. Let us the people carry forward in a happy manner to live here and say I’m glad to be here and I will exceed.” First, what does that statement even mean? Second, it sounds like some hippy-dippy, Communist mumbo-jumbo. If someone could translate it for me, please reach out to Pendletonian Times via Facebook Messenger.
Dorran lists as his prior employment experience sales, VP Sales, VP Operations and Administration, VP Business Development and Umatilla County Commissioner; I don’t know if I would personally list an elected position as employment experience, but let’s move on. His governmental experience includes Mat-Su Borough Port Commission, Umatilla County Fair Board, Association of Oregon Fairs, Umatilla County Charter Review and the Governor appointed Road User Fee Task Force.
Dorran says that he sees “potential and opportunity in Umatilla County” and that he believes in its “vibrancy and diversity.” According to his website, he believes in “Umatilla County’s potential,” and that’s why he’s “running for Umatilla County Commissioner.” His campaign statement in the Voter’s Pamphlet may be full of typos – but he’s no Communist.
In 2020, Dorran was arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, Reckless Driving, Recklessly Endangering Another Person and Refusal to Take a Test for Intoxicants. It was his first DUI so he was eligible for diversion, which he completed and counts 1-3 were diverted and count 4 was dismissed. As far as I can tell from public records, he’s learned his lesson and has kept his nose clean since then.
Heel is a mess though; the criminal cases that are currently filed against him in Umatilla County Circuit Court include:
- September 3, 2023 – Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree and Offensive Littering. Both Misdemeanors.
- November 24, 2023 – Criminal Mischief in the First Degree. A felony.
- May 3, 2024 – Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree and Theft in the Third Degree. Both misdemeanors.
I know, I know, innocent until proven guilty. But come on!
On September 25, I had a brief conversation with Umatilla County Elections Manager Kim Lindell. Lindell informed me that Heel filed his campaign with Umatilla County Elections on January 25. That is to say, Heel filed for election knowing that he had a criminal case pending against him. Further, he is accused of committing crimes during his campaign for election.
I’m not going to waste any more space arguing against Heel – the man is a buffoon, at best. I find it funny that election day is November 5 this year and Heel has a pre-trial conference scheduled before Judge Hill on the previous day. For a felony!
Vote for Dan Dorran. I can’t believe that we even have to discuss this …
If you are not currently registered to vote and you’re a resident of Oregon, please do so at: https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/register.do. The deadline for online registrations is October 15, 2024 at 11:59pm.