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F*ck Pendleton – I’m Not Dying Here

The author criticizes Pendleton City Council for perceived incompetence and secrecy.
Claims that the council is afraid of scrutiny and public opinion.
Accuses council members of being self-important and dismissive of community concerns.

**Police Department Allegations**
The author relates how Officer James Schweigart covered up a childhood sexual assault case.

**Personal Experiences**
The author recounts a personal experience of being a victim of inappropriate behavior at a young age.
Describes interactions with law enforcement that were unsatisfactory and dismissive.
Highlights the emotional impact of these experiences and the desire for justice.

Generated by Artificial Intelligence, these officers are ready to be assigned by South African businessman Elon Musk to protect the Pendleton City Council from that motherf*cking meanie, James Hehn. (Pendletonian Times)

This piece is a mixture of fact and opinion. To be clear, the Pendleton City Attorney, City Manager and the elected officials of the City Council are all about as f*cking useful as mammaries on a male-bovine!

By James Hehn, Pendletonian Times

The Pendleton City Council is going to be notifying us in writing that our badges aren’t going to work for their secret little “Round-Up City” meetings behind closed doors … because Chief Byram seemed to think that the f*ckers needed a giant cup of “shut-the-f*ck-up.”

Phil “Wrong” Wright seemed genuinely disgusted that I didn’t see the importance of all this when I jokingly produced a bag of microwave popcorn and offered it to him for entertainment’s sake. The important thing is that the City of Pendleton is scared of words.

But this has always been a power struggle between the City and me. That Mayor was about as f*cking useful as Nancy when she said that they accepted my presentation but didn’t let me finish it …

So be scared of this, motherf*ckers: I don’t need no badge because I report on you regularly and you know it … Chief Byram seemed a little peeved when he searched me for weapons and didn’t find any earlier this year … it’s almost as though the Sh*tty Council just thinks that I’m just going to quit, because they don’t want anyone to cover their self-important precedings.

That Officer Friendly story; I wrote it. It’s standard practice to not name victims of childhood sex-crimes. However, when Tiffany Marie Vaile played with me inappropriately when I was 16 and I’d met her on her 21st birthday … a friend of hers reported something heinous to Pendleton Police Department and Officer James Schweigart talked to my dad, who tried to scare me into telling Officer Friendly everything.

I call the reported crime, rape, a heinous crime. But, while the crime occurred on a bunkbed and the other parties were on the bottom bunk, I didn’t actually stay in the room with her friend after the molestation by Vaile, so I didn’t know one way or another. But that motherf*cker Officer Friendly knew; he told me that he knew some “heavy petting” had occurred but since I’d stopped before going too far … motherf*cker, I’m pretty sure that going into a darkened bedroom with a minor is too far!

Chief Byram gave me an actual, legal reason why he could not comply with my records request regarding the incident. He told me in an email that he would not release the records to protect the integrity of the methods of the department. So when I gave a description of the pig who interviewed me when I was 16, Chief Byram responded nearly 10 minutes later that it was James Schweigart.

So blame the Chief for complying with a records request that he would not normally be able to answer. The rules say that you can inspect the records if you can’t outright receive them … so I asked if I could come up and look! He didn’t think I needed to work so hard …

So let this be formal, written notice to Lisa Schweigart that her father covered up one too many sex-crimes! I’d like to pay that administrative fee of -$1, but I think we should recall the entire motherf*cking council and if I’m lying, then I’m sure that you pathetic sh*ts can pool your pennies and afford a lawyer that can sue the motherf*cking newspaper and not get thrown out of court!

I guess you dumb*sses could get some Pendleton Whiskey money together and sue me for libel and then I’m sure that the judge would send Chief Byram a court-order to put that investigation into discovery … but be warned, motherf*ckers, that he seems to be waiting … it’s almost like he knows that I won’t sue him but if you sue me it’ll be over this …

F*cking Robb looked me in the eye and told me that the reason I wouldn’t be admitted to the executive session was due to the note I left for that stupid sh*t Nancy, saying that I’d put it on record that Officer Friendly was a piece of motherf*cking sh*t who covered up sex-crimes at least once that I’m aware of.

So what? Sorry … but not really! F*ck the entire motherf*cking Sh*tty Council! You’re all self-important little sh*ts! In my humble opinion …


This piece is a mixture of fact and opinion. To be clear, the Pendleton City Attorney, City Manager and the elected officials of the City Council are all about as f*cking useful as mammaries on a male-bovine!
