
Effectively Excommunicated for Sexual Preferences in 2025! Classic, Guys!

Legal scholars have advised that Pendletonian Times begin labeling its editorial content as clearly “opinion.” So this could be the publisher’s opinion. Other times, someone else could also have an opinion and perhaps their editorial will have the exact same italic notice at the head. We didn’t think people were so smart!

By James Hehn, Pendletonian Times

I’m not mad at God for literally making me gay … it’s more one of those “haven’t Catholic clerics read the Bible enough to know more than me, not less?”

I’ve always held that the Bible is accurate in Greek. It’s always been a mistranslation of the Bible that gets you in trouble … New Vulgate is good, right? Nearly 50 years old, so it’s established …

I don’t know, but reading has always been one of my strong points and it’s always been people that are the problem. Church Latin is still what you think and I’m pretty sure that Rosetta Stone has a Liturgical version for sale …

I’ve been terrible before. But I’ve spent years just trying to not hate myself. I was raised in such a church that it is my honest belief that those people are not technically Christian in the first place because they reject so many fundamental truths that I cannot imagine them to actually believe in the same Father, Son and Holy Ghost as I do.

But, that snake-handler did pose the question once and I answered his question with a question … to this day, though we technically disagree on every subject aside from which codex to use and which source text is absolutely Catholic and therefore approved by the Church for use in Churches … King James of England certainly knew where to procure the text for his New Testament, didn’t he?

I probably use those antigay slurs more than he does, though. He’s also taught Sunday morning Bible studies that condemn marital rape … as far as fundamentalists go, he’s a backslider … I’d personally like to see him join the Church that Jesus founded …

I’ve had such a time in Oregon, not even east versus west but Oregon in general that I think that there’s a lot of people who don’t know then there’s people who say that they don’t have any problems with queers then get extra offended when I join in and tell them to pronounce it “fa-ag.” Or schwule, doesn’t matter to me …

I had a crisis in high school when a gay student informed me that gratuitous use of the faggot word, while a-okay because he knew what I meant … straight people don’t use that word but once or twice a year, among close friends and family, in case you were wondering … I hear it in casual conversation around town and have been laughing at the folks who say it for years … the one good thing I learned at Pendleton High School!

And he was one of those “born totally gay” kids. There was at least one parade in the hospital room on the day he was born and I’m sure his mom knew before he did. I’d say that there was confetti, too, but my legal team has advised me that technically speaking, we are unable to prove that fact though he’d likely answer in the affirmative …

In case anyone wonders, I quit being outright hateful and recently unfounded that which I helped start in 2008 … after staging a coup and jumping to successor to then acting Führer, then shutting down the whole affair because it’s so 1933 and out of fashion … you know, the right reasons … and unnecessarily complicated!

The real Nazis would have sent me to the camps with a different badge than people are familiar with … I’m not technically even Aryan, those green eyes sure are a tell-tale sign … and grandma did say that grandpa’s family was a “bunch of gypsies …” and I saw an interesting war documentary where an actual Aryan talked about going to the camps but having a release date so getting out in early 1945 and putting his uniform back on so he could surrender! He was even arrested for the same crimes a few more times until 1967 when they changed the Penal Code. Guess people thought the Nazis did one thing right but truth be told, the Third Reich inherited that law in the first place.

Hitler didn’t particularly care one way or the other about the gay question, that was Heinrich Himmler’s thing …

But we’re not mad about the gays in the camps and I know of exactly one woman who went to a camp for being a lesbian … but she was Jewish in the first place so she was headed there anyway …

It’s only a man’s world until you get caught not living up to everyone’s expectations and as soon as you’ve had enough you’re no better than those women that they say they love.

I didn’t want to acknowledge these things whatsoever. I don’t want a rainbow in the website footer nor do I want this to turn into a gay newspaper … it’s literally not anyone’s business but my own. The only thing I ask is that you try not to have too mean of a spirit when you talk about the queers … because I’ll teach you a couple slurs that you didn’t know then inform you that I’m a bit annoyed and don’t want to offer material support to your organization anymore … and as soon as you don’t respect my right to not give aid to people who wouldn’t know Jesus Christ if He slapped them then said “here I am …”

No gay sex. Got it, been doing good in that respect … but we’re not in a Confessional and since this matter has likely had related sins confessed in the recent past, I must assume that Father Roy Elavungal has broken the seal of the Confessional in an attempt to defame me. So you win, Padre … I’m such a sinner that the Sacraments won’t save me and there’s no hope …

Oh yeah … Catholic priests have a tendency to get along with everyone until you question their authority. In that case, not even Jesus Christ is going to save you because you knew better than to play with snakes in the first place! Silly me …

The preceding is likely the last time I’ll bring it up. It’s totally not anyone’s business but my own and Jesus Christ cares, too. Otherwise, I wanted to be just like Astronaut Sally Ride! Oh well, have a gay day! Back to the news that’s fit to print … on the Internet.