By James Tibbets, Pendletonian Times
PENDLETON, Oregon – City Ordinance 4024, which amends Ordinance 3472 was unanimously approved. Two new water pumps will receive needed parts and servicing after a purchase order for $266,550.00 was unanimously approved. Crime was down during Round-Up according to City Police.
Councilor Addison Shulberg was not physically present but appeared via Zoom. All other councilors were present.
No members of the public spoke during the time set aside for public comments and questions.
The consent agenda included the acceptance of the minutes of the September 3, 2024 City Council meeting. Councilor Dale Primmer approved the motion and it was unanimously accepted.
A staff report by City Attorney Nancy Kerns on the subject of City Ordinance 4024, which amends business regulation Ordinance No. 3472 was given. The ordinance deals with the licensing of various temporary businesses such as circuses, door-to-door solicitations, antique, junk and pawn brokers and social gaming. Ordinance 3472 was originally written in 1992 and was described as a “mashup of ordinances” by Kerns. The updated Ordinance 4024 will “streamline” the process of obtaining temporary licenses in Pendleton. According to Kerns, under the old ordinance some licenses were issued by the City Council. Kerns says that “staff is better suited to investigate and issue the licenses.”
No members of the public spoke for or against the proposed ordinance. Councilor McKennon McDonald motioned to accept the updated ordinance and it was unanimously approved.
A staff report was given by Jeff Brown, Pendleton Public Works Director, which recommended that the City Council approve a $266,550.00 purchase order to Layne of Washington, a Pasco, Washington contractor, for pumps, motors and installation for Well 11 and Well 11B. Well 11 and Well 11B Wellhouses Project was approved by the City Council on June 4, 2024. According to Brown, “this equipment is necessary for the well to be put into production. We have bid this part of the project twice and only received one responsive bid. After modifications to the bid documents, the third time we were able to get bids that were within our budget.” This project will be funded by the Business Oregon Special Public Works Fund.
Councilor Carole L. Innes motioned to approve the purchase order and it was unanimously approved.
At the end of the City Manager’s report, Mayor John Turner mentioned that Pendleton Police Chief Charles Byram told him that crime was down in Pendleton during Round-Up 2024. There were not as many violent crimes as in years past and Pendleton Police Department in cooperation with other agencies only issued 20 DUIs during Round-Up.